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A change to ARC Selections


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Name: Dooms Unit Chambers

Suggestion: Change Selections 

Implementation: Rancor Changes ARC

Lore: N/A

Workshop content if applicable: N/A
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")


So this has bothered me for awhile about ARC selections process of elimination and I have talked to Blitz about some of these things but I would like to get the community's take on it.  

I am going to keep the actual scenario for the testing of ARC vague as to not give it away so I will just be referring to it as the "scenario".

Currently, you have to beat the scenario within an allotted time to prove your skill, this part of selections is an awesome way of finding out if people have the skill and the ability to communicate to become ARC.

What I am currently disliking about the whole thing is the if nobody passes (or you do pass) we move to 2 vs 2 format that pits the recruits against each other.

This isn't a true test of proving your worthiness (In my opinion) Two recruits that aren't   ARC against each other to become ARC (See my confusion?) It also seems to turn into who has the better internet connection. 

I actually had to face off against Blitz the first time I did the 2 vs 2 and we got creamed, This is how I think 2 vs 2 should actually go if you are going to keep it; 2 ARCS face off against 2 recruits if you can beat the ARC you proved yourself worthy of being an ARC.

Thoughts, comments, suggestions? 


Edited by Carter
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7 minutes ago, Doc said:

My question is whether you are expecting a regular process of accepted, pending, denied, etc, or you’re looking for feedback and overall ideas for improvement, which would be more fit for being in general

I honestly wasn't sure where to put this as it is a suggestion but also I want feedback from the community?

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Why is this even a server suggestion? The decision on WHAT the training is and HOW HARD it will be is decided by Blitz and RANCOR. This is something you could've just brought directly to Tofu, rather than make a Server Suggestion, or if you just wanted feedback on the idea could've put it else where.

-1 I guess?

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30 minutes ago, Riddler said:

Teamspeak//private messages//steam all exist 

I am going to move this to General Discussion requesting lock @Riddler

I have also talked to Blitz before about this I just wanted more feedback

1 hour ago, Nightmare said:

You should talk with some ARC Officers and tell them your opinions and ideas my friend but My opinion is that ARC Selections are not hard they may need a little tweaking but I don't see a problem with them

That's the thing the need tweaking they are not hard or bad just a little weird 

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1 minute ago, Korm said:

If you are saying they are too hard. You just need to focus up.

in my opinion, 
As someone that has gone though them. I feel that the scenario and all isn't bad, its legit the best part.  but like Carter said and ill say it.  the last 2v2 format is what get's me. they seem to make us do it then kill us off which imo doesn't really show you any data.  and if the last part is gonna stay   a simple discussion on the "Training" as a whole should be discussed.   its not that its super hard its just super hard to pass bc it doesn't matter how good you do in the scenario imo  if you don't finish at the top they just make you do it over.  ARC should be hard, it should be difficult    but as it is suppose to be a "ARC Training" I shouldn't have to go thought it 4-10 times just to get through the first section. I've discussed with Blitz before about outcomes and such and same I feel this is something that should be brought to him.  


Current: 212th ARFO LT Blake
Former: 212th Battalion Commander Cody | Synergy Roleplay Model Developer

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