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Zyner's Few More Droids


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Who helped (If applicable):

Fours, Ri, Lighig

Event Name:

Fore Droids

Summary of the story:

Republic dispatched some more droids for each Battalion to do as they wished with them but things turned bad soon after a poorly trained TECH transmitted a virus from his datapad to one of the droids and are well seen as hostile. As one fled for his life when they were being shut down one by one he managed to find help. All droids were tended again and were all cleared.

What was the result of the event?:

In an unexpected turn of events, RC was the hero these droids needed and they took them in when most others sought to scrap them. All seemed well until NULL unveiled their plan and began hunting down each droid.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:



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