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TR 501st ENG 1SG Junior Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 501st ENG 1SG Junior

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:156320518

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Timezone: Central 

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be a admin because i want to help the community when no oth admins wan't to or just arent on. I think i can bring a New Hope to the Staff Role. I wish to help out anyway i can and help everyone i can in any amount of time short or long periods. Any Thing people need me to do i will do it. Anytime someone needs me to do it i will be on when no one else wants to do it i will do it. I will try my hardest at the new role of Admin if i am to be accepted and i will do it at the best of my ability

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Wyatt i live in North East TX Near Sulphur Springs, I am 15 years Old. I love Synergy Roleplay because it has an awesome community and staff are very helpful and nice.

Do you have any previous staff experience? None On GMOD

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-1, I have had an experience that was not pleasant. We had asked you to change your name as it was "RexJr" I was told by a Head admin that your name was not suitable to have, I had informed you, you then proceeded to ignore me. I then had a head admin,  a senior admin, and an admin in a channel with you and tell you that the name was not suitable, and at this point you took to tell us that we were wrong and that Rex told you, you could have this name. Now if you were just being hesitant that would have been fine, but you also tried to disrespect us. There were other things said, but it has been a bit since it happened so I will quote the only thing I remember you say, which was "You guy's sound like you are 20, you don't even know what memes are." There were some other rude comments that were thrown out, and even to the end you said you weren't going to keep your name change, I guess you changed your mind because it is now Junior. With all this being said I do not feel you are fit for staff, I feel as if you can not keep your cool in a situation which requires it, and you are also not mature enough for the position, consider you had changed your name to "T-rex jr" to spite us, and even messaged one of us "How do you like my new name?" Not ready for staff, a huge -1 for me.

Also You did not put that 6 sentences as to why you wanted to be staff, and you did not put 3 to describe yourself.

Edited by Nyon
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Unfortunately, your application has been DENIED due to poor community feedback.

You may reapply for staff in 30 days. (3/15/18)

Please take this time to learn from this criticism to better yourself in the community!


//Moved to Staff Applications - Denied

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