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Mech's staff application


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Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:173773414



Timezone:Pacific Standard Time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I wish to be a admin because whenever I see people arguing or being rude to eachother I want to be able to stop it as synergy should be a nice and happy place for everbody. I also want to be a admin so I can become a GM so I can make my own interseting events because sometimes I feel like vents need more of a pop or more detail to them. And I want to be a admin because I want to be able to help people if they need dupes, props, or just someone to take care of a minge or a person who does not have intent to RP. Another reason I want to be a admin is because I want to show people that kids can also have responsablities also because sometimes I feel like I dont get enough respect or gratiude. And taht is why I want to be a GM/Admin.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):Im currently switching schools, and also I do boyscouts which envloves me going camping on the weekends and helping out my community to help the poor and people who cant do normal things (for example disabled people). I also own 3 cats their names are pomengrante, Hellraiser, and peanit. I used to have 3 cats and 5 kittens. at my old school I use to be in a advanced club where I could learn about the earths history and more TECH stuff

Do you have any previous staff experience? I have Game Master expirence as I was a lead GM I created many events and I was also a admin in the background working on making dupes and other things like Docs, or event story ideas.

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+1 from me, Every time I see Mech in-game he is leading his battalion, participating in events, and overall being a good role model. He enforces the fact the FailRP is wrong and I applaud him for being so professional for his age.

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Congratulations Mech! You have been accepted for an interview! 

You have until February 16th to contact an Overseer+ for your interview!

Failure to do so will result in a denial of your application.

P.S People who criticize someone on a GMOD server over age well its quite sad overall, because I've seen quite a few incidents where the younger people on the server act very mature compared to older players of the player base, so overall yeah don't let them keep you down!  


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