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Phoenix New Admin Application

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RP Name: SO ARC JT SGM Phoenix 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75670380

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Timezone: EU  - GMT

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): As an administrator it is your duty to assist in all matters of roleplay and OOC areas. The ability to help resolve issues as well as the ability to help new members of the community grow in their knowledge is what administration is all about. I believe the as an administrator I would be able to assist in times when other admins are not able to due to my timezone difference, as well my passion for assisting people to enjoy the Synergy roleplay experience to its fullest.  I have previous senior admin experience on a 180 cap server and dealt with almost every conceivable issue from mass rdm to 140+ event running, so I believe my experience and knowledge of starwars RP makes me an ideal candidate for such a position. I believe that as an admin the ability to problem solve in very restrained time periods is key and is an absolute must of anyone who wishes to become part of any server staff team, and I believe that I have learned a great deal over my 3-4 years of staff and server membership of various style of Starwars Roleplay, I understand the dynamics of the starwars roleplay environment and I also believe I understand the dynamic of Synergy Roleplay well enough to be a valuable asset

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): As a person i enjoy serious roleplay, i enjoy making people laugh but at the same time i draw a line when things go too far. In terms of my hobbies I enjoy playing video games, listening to music of all sorts, I enjoy working in my job as a support worker and I thoroughly enjoy meeting new people and learning new things about the world. I am a qualified aeronautical engineer, motorcycle mechanic and baker. so ill fix your bike, your plane and bake a killer pie for lunch. One of my key hobbies is psychoanalysis, the method of watching and observing people in various situations and scenarios to build up a mental profile for that person to better understand who they are and what ideals and morals they have.

Do you have any previous staff experience? i have 2 years experience as a Moderater > Admin > High Admin > Senior admin on a now defunct 180 cap serious rp server, in which my roles included event management, debugging, map design and editing, moderation of the forum boards and community. I have roughly 3 months of admin experience on Synergy Roleplay but was removed unfairly after I informed the staff team that I could not attend weekend meetings due to working weekend night shifts.

Edited by Artemis - Phoenix
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+1, Phoenix you do good work and I always see you train. You just need to have more patience with training CC's, you could at times get mad quite quick. Other than that, I think you would be a great addition and asset towards the staff team.

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Congratulations. You have been accepted for an interview! 

You have until February 15th to contact an Overseer (Or a Head Admin if an Overseer is not available)

Failure to do so will result in a denial of your application.


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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