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Faoeoa's back, BAYBAY!


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So after a bit of debating I decided I'm probably gonna stay for at least a week; I decided to join RM and actually learn MedRP (I mean given that I'm a Surgeon now one could hope I know my shit).

I'm gonna fuck around on Jedi and I'm surprised people remember me given I was only here to play on Atin initially, and I was also Jocasta for like 3 days.

If you don't know me then I was the 187th BCMD before Reaper on Icefuse, a former Gregor, Llama's first windu (that wasn't stout, tho I lasted about a week before I resigned), former Icefuse HA and a former Overseer on Synregy (I didn't do shit as Overseer tho because I resigned pretty quickly) the first Atin on Synergy, and turned down Mereel, Bacara and Windu (by turn down I mean I was too autistic to do any of these roles for some reason)

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I'll also make a sidenote that i'm not going to be putting more than like 100hrs every two weeks in unless I'm bored of other videya, I'm probably not going to apply for staff because that and actually enjoying the game will take way too long for me, especially bc I have a partner these days.


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