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Andrews - Game Master Application


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Name: TRO CG CPT / OFO CPO Andrews

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56345544

How Long have you Played on the Server: 400 Hours +

From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?:

How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I've been an Officer for while and even when I was an NCO or enlisted, I was able to take the lead during situations. I've been able to communicate and lead other troops during events as well ensure that we are operating effectively. So, I do believe I have the necessary skills that can support me becoming a Game Master. 

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes I do

Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: There is one I have in mind :)

PART #1 - The Taking (EVENT SERVER)

The Venator nicknamed the Resolute is tasked by High Command to go and retrieve some CIS Intel most likely this will be done by Republic Commandos, Null, and Special Operations. During the operation, High Command makes contact giving them another task about taking a CIS General Hostage in a nearby facility. Obviously, there would be CIS Droids around and be patrolling the facility to ensure its safety and to make sure no one gets in. 

PART #2 - The Exchange (MAIN SERVER)

After hopefully successfully taking the CIS General Hostage and retrieving the much needed Intel. The Republic Navy receives a call openly from the CIS claiming that they have taken a Fleet Commodore and his crew hostage and that, they wish to do an exchange. The CIS General would be exchanged for the Fleet Commodore life as we need that Commodore as he as the second part of the crucial Intel that we gathered from the last mission. 

PART #3 - The Deployment (EVENT SERVER)

In the competition of getting the Fleet Commodore and the Intel from the previous deployment. The 501st, 212th, 327th, CG, Rancor would be deployed to Tatooine because, the Intel that given and gathered/read. It stated that they was an secret CIS Operation on the planet and it has been corrupting the entire planet, prime for a CIS Invasion. 

This might be short but in the text but hopefully, we should last an 1 hour or so for each so. Thanks :)

Edited by Andrews53
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+1 Very Talented an Amazing Person

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