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Turbine / med's staff application


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RP Name:

Republic Medic BCMD Meds


Steam ID: 












Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

The reason I want to become a staff member is to help the server in general, but the specific reasons are 1.) To be able to help the server grow. 2.) To help my battalion by working my way up the staff ranks into a role that can host events and also develop simulations for members of my battalion and others to help them with their training and immersive roleplay. 3.) I want to be able to put a good face on the server for their staff team and be able to give the player a better experience. 4.) I want to be able to have new goals to go for other than just roleplay targets, this will allow me to do that. 5.) I want to begin helping the current staff team as they are doing a fantastic job in most departments and I want to be able to be apart of that. 6.) I want to be apart of the family like community staff is, when you are staff you make a lot of great friends and I would like to go through that again. 7.) I want to be able to stop people from ruining the rp of the server and once again allowing people to become more immersed

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

Well currently there is not much I can really say about myself, in school I study computer science, electronics,biology,chemistry,physics at a GCSE standard, I used to play rugby for the school but I decided that rugby just was not fun and quit. I currently play other games than Garry’s mod such as CSGO, Rainbow Six Siege, ARK and other games in those themed genre. I enjoy playing on the server as my BCMD, even though it can be annoying at times but it is mainly fun and I want to be able to help my troopers out as much as possible

Do you have any previous staff experience?

Yes, I was a Head Administrator on Icefuse Networks and this made me learn a lot about what it takes to be staff in this style of structure. This also has allowed me to notice where my issues lie and allowed me to mend these issues. I learned a great deal about documents and training players during my time at icefuse and I would like to carry this knowledge from there to here.


Edited by Turbine
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