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Simulation:Testing The Waters


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Name: Duck/Armand Isard

Who helped (If applicable): @Washington, @Gene_Starwind @Zyner @Jackson @Square

Event Name: Simulation:Testing The Waters.

Summary of the story: Essentially we warped to kamino and Clone instructors came aboard and set up a "Simulation". Although it was marked a simulation it was a one life event in which the clone had to slow push through each Phase. Once they got thorugh a phase they got a short "break. The Event mainly consisted of npcs and only needed 1 Event job.

This event was also used as a "Testing ground" so that I can a mindset of the difficulty of this, so I can run this as a constant thing from here on out while knowing how much health each npc should have and how many NPC's we can have down before it causes lag(More players die in this one life = Less lag).

What was the result of the event?: All Clones died in Simulation.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

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-1 I enjoyed it continuously, but if you want us to fail, just shoot us in the face instead. If you're fearful of that ONE rocket that may upset the ship, don't use a TANK and B2 Rocket spam....

It was great, I'd like to see more. We tasted near victory of that phase,with forces already near depleted, overwhlemly powerful hostiles that brings me joy every one that was striked down by our blasters, more incoming from the rear, b2s apporaching, snipers, and more triffling yet we held until we could not. It was grand. 

To demoralize a army, put them through that. To uplift them give them a horizon to touch.

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