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Zyner's Forced Cure


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Who helped (If applicable):

JBFox, Square

Event Name:

Forced Cure

Summary of the story:

An unknown society had their community infested with a foreign alien species, as a last ditch effort they delivered the infection into a research station in order to force the scientists to make a cure. They planned to steal it once it was made in order to help their own people but the scientists managed to send out a distress beacon and the Republic answered. The Venator found the station and boarded it, fighting through all the monsters inside and attempt to figure out what happened. Meanwhile, the society had a group awaiting for the cure to be finished and move into the station after the Republic leaves. They search for the cure or data on it while the Republic leave and go back to the Venator. The infection covers their armor and begins to spread within the ship while the people on the space station begin to argue whether they should help the Republic or not. The infection is too advanced to make a cure on the Venator and they realize that the data for the cure should be on the research station. The people who infected the station on purpose went on board to get the antivirus and left with it while one had a change of heart and helped the republic.

What was the result of the event?:

One of the people who wanted the cure sided with the republic and gave them part of it in order to stop the spreading in the ship, Republic survived.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

Shoot 'em up with a purpose & side story.

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