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Locke Staff application


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I've been around a lot and gathered experience from both perspectives of so's from rp to admining. ive also helped cg and other staff during mingecons and cadet ruckus.

I understand that i am new however my will and honesty is what i desire most is to help out whether its just building sims, helping during events, or even training cc here and there.

Last night i tried my best to help staff. that was at 1/29/18 around 12:05 am their were cadets that were not following staffs warning and i had to help follow them however i sorta failed since i didnt have power (lamo and got gunned down as small event fired while i was perusing the rogue cadets.

Edited by OLDLOCKE
Miss spelling of admining (spell check change it to admiring)
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RP Name: TR RM CG 2LT Locke

Steam ID:76561198107347032/



Timezone:USA EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be able  to help staff either during sims, minges, or like last night with rogue cadets. I want to be able to provide some support if i can if needed, i have some experiences of observing some staff from both admining and rp seeing how they do their best to balance both in hand by hand. Mostly i just want to help all around together, even if its just siting in tr room or providing two cents too certain situation's like training's or combat events.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am 20 im a nerd, i like the clone wars series, i hated that they didnt put darth raven in it (bit pj salt about it even though they have cuts of him already in the series as a force ghost). Uh i played basically lego starwars game for ps2 75 times and completed it about 40 times kappa.

Do you have any previous staff experience?: No however i would like to learn and willing to adapt or shadow someone.

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14 hours ago, OLDLOCKE said:

I want to be able  to help staff either during sims, minges, or like last night with rogue cadets.

+1 I've seen you around the server, and you seem to be an overall nice guy. Hope you don't disappoint. :)

Edited by Deadly
I'm dumb.
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16 hours ago, OLDLOCKE said:

RP Name: TR RM CG 2LT Locke

Steam ID:76561198107347032/



Timezone:USA EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be able  to help staff either during sims, minges, or like last night with rogue cadets. I want to be able to provide some support if i can if needed, i have some experiences of observing some staff from both admining and rp seeing how they do their best to balance both in hand by hand. Mostly i just want to help all around together, even if its just siting in tr room or providing two cents too certain situation's like training's or combat events.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am 20 im a nerd, i like the clone wars series, i hated that they didnt put darth raven in it (bit pj salt about it even though they have cuts of him already in the series as a force ghost). Uh i played basically lego starwars game for ps2 75 times and completed it about 40 times kappa.

Do you have any previous staff experience?: No however i would like to learn and willing to adapt or shadow someone.

+1 Locke is an exceptional trooper in the Republic Medics and he takes his job seriously. I see him continuing this behavior as staff and he will be an exceptional addition to the staff team.



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Congratulations. You have been accepted for an interview! 

You have until February 11th to contact an Overseer+

Failure to do so will result in a denial of your application.

All gotta start somewhere to be quite honest, and no better place to start than with the Synergy family 

Feedback was good and from people with good weight! 



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