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Stolen DNA!


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Name: Alastor

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20247829

Who helped (If applicable): Moose / Dumpers / Smitty / Warlock

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): With the help of the CIS, a mad Doctor was able to attack a Venator carrying Clone DNA that was enroute to Kamino! Once this attack was brought to the GAR, the clones stationed on Rakata were tasked with saving our very way of life! They lead an attack in sector 2 through a series of tunnels filled with B1 and B2 battle droids! Upon reaching the end they found the doctor but were unable to capture him since he used a teleportor to reach General Grevious! After this, the clones boared their venator and thanks to the cooridinates left behind by the doctor, were able to catch them both in the act! Through tooth and nail they were able to fight off CIS fighters and General Grevious! The Docotor was captured and then executed for treason while the stolen clone DNA was safely returned to Kamino!

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