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Square's After Action Report


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Name: Square

Who helped (If applicable): Esitt, Scribbles, Nick, Global, Gladiator

Event Name: Prisoner Transport

Summary of the story: Our Venator received a transmission from a distant republic facility calling for a prisoner transport to escort Cad Bane and one other bounty hunter to coruscant. What the republic didn't know is that Cad Bane's bounty hunter allies were on standby expecting the prisoner transport to come and have been scoping out/planing the jail break for some time. Once we get the prisoners on board the bounty hunter groups attack the ship. The clone resistance is too heavy and they are able to fend off all enemy forces. With a few other captured bounty hunters the resolute makes its way back to coruscant and they transfer the prisoners to the main detention facility.   

What was the result of the event?: Clone resistance was too heavy so the bounty hunters were all captured. (Will be a part two on event server where cad bane escapes prisopn)

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Lots of rp with the prisoners with some shooting at the end to try and save the prisoners.

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