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So I've been meaning to make a post, but with everything happening in my life right now I never found the time. I've had a few people ask me about why I haven't been around, some people even wanted to know if I had left. Spoiler Alert: No, I haven't.

But what pisses me off is people actually telling other people that I am, or was, too busy doing Arma with @Llama/Yoda, and that's why I haven't been around, or "doing my job". I literally showed up to maybe two, three max, Arma ops. Which by the way, literally happened once a week. So, in order to clear the air, the real reason I haven't been around, is because my grandparents are dying, my grandmother passed away before Christmas, and my granddad, who has already had 4 strokes this year, is now slowing passing away in a hospital bed. Add to that fact that I also work my ass off for a living in a menial office job, I find it hard to allocate time for Garrys Mod right now. 

Quite literally, fuck the people who said that shit, grow the fuck up.

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9 minutes ago, aStonedSparks said:

So I've been meaning to make a post, but with everything happening in my life right now I never found the time. I've had a few people ask me about why I haven't been around, some people even wanted to know if I had left. Spoiler Alert: No, I haven't.

But what pisses me off is people actually telling other people that I am, or was, too busy doing Arma with @Llama/Yoda, and that's why I haven't been around, or "doing my job". I literally showed up to maybe two, three max, Arma ops. Which by the way, literally happened once a week. So, in order to clear the air, the real reason I haven't been around, is because my grandparents are dying, my grandmother passed away before Christmas, and my granddad, who has already had 4 strokes this year, is now slowing passing away in a hospital bed. Add to that fact that I also work my ass off for a living in a menial office job, I find it hard to allocate time for Garrys Mod right now. 

Quite literally, fuck the people who said that shit, grow the fuck up.

Didnt want to say anything, but I do remember when Sparks told me about his situation(We were playing MC ;-; ). But honestly to those of you who trash sparks behind his back, need to lay the fuck off unless you know whats actually going on next time.

When someones activity drops, we shouldn't instantly go to "Oh its because they don't like the server, they're playing other games" Instead maybe we should attempt to see if there is a IRL issue going on with the person, as Shit talking someone with a IRL issue going on just makes the person feel even shittier

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Real talk, I think people get way too pissy about hours in this game and there's way too much of an expectation of it from a game?

When you're on a summer break and your social life is in the shitter? Go ahead, throw 100+ hours in, though a lot of the time people want you to put in more than a 9-5 job into training and dealing with minges.

You're a good goy Sparks, you've already put in the work at this point and nobody should be giving you shit (nowhere in your role as an Owner/Founder does it say you need to put in a minimum set of hours or something, considering it's likely you already work).

Deus Vult, comrade.

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8 minutes ago, Lazer said:

What can I say, people are cucks. I really don't get why people are so worried about others when they themselves are sitting on a gmod star wars fucking RP server in their free time...  

You play on the server as well... Spark mate, just go and dab on them haters. They got nothing on you mate.

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Wtf my dude. We shut down the unit a while ago and my boy Sparks had shit to take care of. It saddens me quite a bit to see people shit talking someone who literally started this shit with Joah and has put more than enough time and effort in, to warrant a break to deal with IRL shit. I feel as though there is such a focus in star wars rp on hours and time played without really considering what a person might be going through or how that might affect them. I think people need to temper their expectations with realism when it comes to how much people can play.

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