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Bakus' Returning GM Application

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Name: Bakus
SteamID: 76561198301723525
How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 1836:23:29
From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8, I used to say 10, but I realized with some of this new star wars canon lore I need to do some rereading.

Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: 

Well, this is a story that started a few months back as a GM, I
lost the motivation to continue putting out events that 'I' felt held good meaning and fun story for the players of Synergy. With a few months break and some change of scenery from 'Jedi' to trooper, I've regained the spark to put forth new ideas and test the waters again. Building unique maps, SIMs, deployments and relearning GMOD building from the ground up has brought into mind a few possible deployment ideas, some story lines that may spark player interest apart from our casual shoot them up events that become increasingly more common when we as GM's may lose faith in the story, and pack in something simple to entertain. A lack of events seems to plague the time-zones prior to the servers peak population hours, and some players just can't stand sitting around, maybe I could fill that void with something truly UNIQUE. 

Now that that basic understanding of why I've left and why I'm returning is out of the way, why do I WANT to join again is up in the air. Truly the GM team has its ups and downs, no GM can perform alone without others, because it becomes too much to bare on one shoulder, I feel like our current GM team needs more hands on board, more ideas to circulate, and a fresh perspective on what we can do with all the tools we now have as GM's! Long ago are the days of GM's just being SA's now we have our GMadmin rank back. The possibilities are endless. I would like to come help these members who may feel out of fresh ideas, and thinking they're just rehashing an old event, bring them better hope and want to strive for something to make their own legacy here on Synergy. Create a truly insane! List of events that will blow the socks off of any player who gets on! That is why I think I'd like to return. Give it some thought.

Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes, I do know this, such as any role that may hold importance in the community, be it battalion, staff, or GM.

A Duo of Documents to show you I mean
Main Server Event - A Story of Creation

Event Server Deployment - Wheeling Fortune

For those confused for not having A HUGE GOOGLE LINK, just click the Event name! It's embedded!

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Veteran Admin


Not a fan of this man, but can use more GMs

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Veteran Admin

Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team!



Current: Bad Batch Echo

Former: WAC-47 Battalion Commander Wolffe Mechanized Regimental Commander Clorox


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Veteran Admin

Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview!


Current: Bad Batch Echo

Former: WAC-47 Battalion Commander Wolffe Mechanized Regimental Commander Clorox


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Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team!




I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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