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[ACCEPTED] CWRP-Hershel's Staff Application

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CWRP  Hershel’s Staff Application

RP Name: Hershel

Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:602408224

VIP (Y/N): Yes!

Age: 22

Timezone: CST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I always liked helping and entertaining people, problem is it’s hard to entertain people better with a lack of builder tools. My solution was always to be a Gamemaster but with my life and work schedule I don’t have enough time to barely keep up with the quotas. Also trying to keep active and give a 110% to my faction was always a stressful problem. I have ADHD and I always tend to push myself harder for not doing enough or doing too less! Wanting to do more for the server but not wanting to reapply for Gamemaster, I believe giving staff a shot will be a great idea! I always want to help people with their ideas or creative wishes and from personal experience it’s always nice to have somebody take the time out of their day to help somebody build a cool training dupe, make a patrol, or just spawn in something. It was always a Gamemaster rule I broke was helping people with other tickets, I just felt bad most of the time seeing that ticket go unanswered as a GM!

Being in staff will be a great step in me to do more for the server and in a way help Naval grow to be even better entertainers! Down time on the server frustrates players and while I cannot help during the weekdays in the mornings (Mon-Fri 6AM-2:30PM CST) but later hours on weekends I wish to help around and entertain! I don’t know how different or harder staff is but from what I’ve heard getting tickets is not hard!

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I go by HAL but as somebody once said I have a personality disorder (I go by many names). I’m 22, live in America! 

I started gaming when I was no older than 6, playing on my GameCube and 100% Lego Star Wars as a young child and ruining my father’s K/D ratio in Halo 3. I was never a PC gamer until some time ago, and I had always wanted to play Gmod! While sandbox was fun, I saw there was RP servers and joined up here on my third server search (luckily this was my first star wars RP!) This server was very welcoming and enjoyable to be in! (Still is now.)

I’m an video editor and make pretty tasty memes, I also used my editing skills to make some video projects for the server! (Season of the Gunrunner and some video memes). I love editing and have my YouTube channel that I barely upload anymore (content block because I think my ideas are dumb sometimes :P)

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes! I had been a Gamemaster a few times! However as stated I felt like I did not do a great enough job and the stress of keeping up three events, trying to host a Deployment, my job, my dedication to my battalion brought a lot of mental stress the last time I was a GM. I however felt like I did try to do more for the Gamemaster team, and that my time was not fully a waste but rather it was something I was pushing to hard to do and going overboard trying to make every event feel different. I have been told Gamemaster and the Staff are not the same.

I improperly  left with putting in a resignation form and I felt bad a regretted it. I have no excuses taking the time to fill out a simple form!

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: Over 400+ hours I believe!





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  • Active as Hell.
  • Funny beyond all measure.
  • Would definitely take the most tickets in a day as a PR.
  • RPs with the best of them.
  • Super polite and is probably the most rational person I've met.

Hershel out of all people I want you to hit New Admin. I feel like you'll be a FANTASTIC addition to the staff team!

Edited by The_Warden
  • Friendly 1

Όντας δε θνητούς θνητά και φρονείν χρεών.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Current Position(s): CAO Matchstick | Naval Intel Director 501st SUPL & Hawk | Administrator

Former Position(s): CG SUPO | Aviation Manager |

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GM Leadership

You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview!

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Current:  Ghost Company Officer CPT Waxer | Senior Admin Game Master Officer
Former: 501st BCMD Rex 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | Veteran Admin Game Master Manager | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma | GCO SUPL Wooley 2ndAC Parjai

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Veteran Admin

Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team!


Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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