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The Tables Turned

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Name: L Aventus

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:527035102

Who helped (If applicable): WarMaster, Soulless, Cav, Matt, Jugh, Kel, Berries, Boston, Rippa

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): With two jedi kidnapped, and another captured. It seems someone named Gratz was behind it all... Or was he?

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Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

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So as far as care an effort there definitely seemed to be some effort behind the RP section, the problem is that it was directed towards a small minority of the server while the rest had very little direction; and it doesn't help that this dupe and map were used for a deployment either yesterday or the day before I can't recall. From a gameplay perspective, most of us had nothing to do due to the lack of direction, the combat section on the surface was pretty short about 5-10 mins of combat,  and when we completed our objective by destroying the generator there was no affect. I think I waited about 5 minutes asking for a rayshield to be lowered after confirming with the GM that the generator had been destroyed before I just gave up and went in through a window. After clearing the base and rescuing the jedi the generator WAS STILL ACTIVE and someone just blew it up with an RBC so i'm (and the rest of my battalion from what i heard in TS) not really sure what the point of our main objective was. I just feel like you should try to balance your focus in deployments a little more but there seemed to be some cool RP going on I just didn't get to participate in it. 

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I do try to make the best out of every event and deployment i really do. I understand how hard throwing together a deployment can be and how stressful it is to make it work. However, I can not rate this any higher than 2/2/2 because there was really no clear direction and there was really no clear objective. From my stand point, we were told one thing and the rest was Boston screaming over the intercom (absolute W btw loved every second). A large number of players did not know what we were doing and what we were supposed to be doing, myself including. Once we were finally told where to go, the mission was over and we switched back. I think a quarter of the server actually got to do the objective while everyone was just running around trying to find the objective or avoid being minged by the CT's





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58 minutes ago, Love_Bear said:


I do try to make the best out of every event and deployment i really do. I understand how hard throwing together a deployment can be and how stressful it is to make it work. However, I can not rate this any higher than 2/2/2 because there was really no clear direction and there was really no clear objective. From my stand point, we were told one thing and the rest was Boston screaming over the intercom (absolute W btw loved every second). A large number of players did not know what we were doing and what we were supposed to be doing, myself including. Once we were finally told where to go, the mission was over and we switched back. I think a quarter of the server actually got to do the objective while everyone was just running around trying to find the objective or avoid being minged by the CT's

I will say, I was wholly unhappy with how this ended up going. I had issues from my side that I was just unable to keep handling as well with the amount of tickets incoming and a lack of helpers. I promise to work to prevent this lack of quality happening again. My biggest hope with being a GM is making stories you guys enjoy.

spacer.pngThe One, The Only, The Squid

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