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Intoxicating Words

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Name: Raven

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:593762867

Who helped (If applicable): Warmaster, Danny, gibby, shakes, fiver

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): We've received word that on one of our civilian planets there have been large signs of drug abuse and the civilization has been falling below republic standards. We’ll be heading down to find the reason for this sudden drug abuse and to put an end to any thoughts the civilians are having of an “uprising” we have gotten note of.

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Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

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Head Admin


I don't have much feedback, this was very frustrating to play as there was little to no direction. You obviously put a good amount of thought and effort into this deployment, the follow through just wasn't there. First deployments can get overwhelming, but honest feedback is valid. 

Danny mentioned in GM PTS that staff were deleting rayshields? You should have the VA shadowing deal with that immediately when it happens and those staff will be dealt with. However, if it was because of the lack of direction and response from the GM/helpers on directions, then it's a bit more understandable. 501st just kept moving people around to keep our guys engaged, but it was very lackluster after the first push on the village. 

CG keeping Jedi out of an area where it was clear that Jedi were supposed to be for "CG Jedi Only" to interact with the objects was lame but cool that they lifted that pretty quick. 

Dupe was great. Very good job building. Needs more stuff happening next time though, and if you don't want people skipping parts of it bu whirlwinding troopers up high or force leaping up, just tell them to not skip parts or they'll be spawned on/blown up. They can step on a mine or be overrun by droids in "RP". 

I have now realized I said "I don't have much feedback" but then yapped like never before. 

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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So the initial combat sections were very short, i'd recommend either raising the HP on the NPCs, or if you don't want to prespawn as much and lag the server have a couple spread out and when we get within eyesight (you can tell cuz we'll be shooting at them) start spawning more in a line to slow us down. It also seemed like you were stretched too thin when it came to handling tickets likely due to you trying to keep up with the combat portion of the event which had a huge impact on the RP heavy section with the crystals. My personal experience with that was that you would respond to my tickets but you wouldn't actually respond to the action I was doing because you were getting overwhelmed by tickets I think you got them confused with other Jedi. I would just recommend having people designated to the combat and roleplay aspects of the event so you don't have to stretch yourself so thin. 

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