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Hiding on Naboo

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Name: Joyboy

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:419739365

Who helped (If applicable): Zero

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Nah

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): We chased remenants of a BH clan who left with the CIS to Naboo. That is all.

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nah

Please rate using this scale


Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

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I think the biggest issue for me was how often droids would be spawned on top of us out of no where. I believe this is because you wanted to simulate the droids advancing which is a fine idea but wasn't executed well for the map we were on.

My advice is to simulate the advance slower so there is time to actually react vs just being flanked repeatedly out of the blue.

It has great potential and I like the thought put into it, just need to work on the execution a little bit.



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Gameplay: 5

Care and Effort: 5

Server Performance: 5

Insulting people and telling them to go f*** themselves is not cool. Sorry Joyboy people are saying that to you 

Edited by berries




Current: Boost Former: DireSquad Trooper Improcco Fi

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3 minutes ago, Mitchell said:


I think the biggest issue for me was how often droids would be spawned on top of us out of no where. I believe this is because you wanted to simulate the droids advancing which is a fine idea but wasn't executed well for the map we were on.

My advice is to simulate the advance slower so there is time to actually react vs just being flanked repeatedly out of the blue.

It has great potential and I like the thought put into it, just need to work on the execution a little bit.

So you guys were never spawned on. I wish I could have been able to give my GM PTS in order to explain some of the wacky stuff but I was getting spam PMd. But at certain points the droids would just push everyone from there spawn location. We never spawned on anyone, we coordinated where we were going to spawn ahead of you guys and then occasionally they would just push. Sorry this negatively impacted the deployment for you and thank you for the feedback! <3

My time as Echo was shorter than Clutch's Yoda Term

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