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Shmup deployment i made in 10 mintues

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Name: Monty

Who helped (If applicable): STEAM_0:1:743498109 (pie) STEAM_0:0:70298588 (Ark) STEAM_0:0:66867964 (Gibby) (Danny)

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The troops were called to reinforce a base that had stopped responding. when the arrived they saw a space battle was in full force and assisted with that as well as retaking the republic base from the cis

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4 / 4 / 4

The bit of performance drop was well worth it all. Starting off with an orbital siege is one of my favorite ways to begin deployments. Good amount of things to do during the Utapau stage as well, especially good seeing the Boarding action as always.

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