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Possible Roadmap?

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Question: Is there a possibility of a Roadmap being made at some point?

Comments/Concerns: Reason I am asking is that between updates there is usually a lot of time with no real news on what's being worked on ( besides Gihub ), what is planned next and when one can expect it roughly. 

Staff Member you're asking: Any Director+ I guess

Additional info: Please note that I am aware that Developing takes time and effort and this questions is by no means meant to try to rush or push for faster updates. I am just genuinely curious if a Roadmap was ever considered or if it is maybe something to be implemented at one point later in time.

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I understand the want for more information regarding development etc, however, it's important to note that things don't always go as planned and that can often lead to some greater problems/community frustration when you announce 10-20 things that we'd ideally like to incorporate and then only end up doing 5-6 of them for various reasons. 

It's happened in the past. Not a fun time. Also, the server suggestion section does make up a fairly large portion of our updates so that pretty much spells out a lot of stuff for you guys anyway.

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