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BigMan's Resignation

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Name: BigMan | TimmyThicc

Steam ID: 

Date: 1/14/18

Reason for leaving: Just got a full time job aswell as goin to school so im gonna be pretty tied up irl and id be setting a pretty bad example as both staff and in the GM program if im
 Its nothin to do with how the server or staff or higher ups is doin.


@Jax I hereby leave the house of thicc in your hands

@Tybo u never gave me my purple/hot pink saber bitch

@Thexan Keep the 91st growin boyo and gl with your irl stuff boyo

@Nap ur gay

@Jimmysmo27 hope we can tip toe in our jordan's again soon

@Insight Get lightning back up kid!

@BlackMamba jewwwwwwwwww

@Ryx sorry i didnt get to do an event with u lad

@Dadd stop being homosexual

@Matt u play a bigger part than u know in the batt, keep it up

@Eduji sorry i couldnt rescue u from that venator crash

@Freck ur a great man freck, fuck the haters and keep er goin, hope u get admiral!

@Illium im still holding a grudge that u left 91st for naval, lol hope we can do some more ammo drops in the future and watch the sass lol

@Joah and Founders/Devs dont really know u or have talked to u, but keepwhat yall are doin with the server up, yall have done so much for the server and it saddens me that people still complain and whine even after you throw content at the server like theres no tomorrow. Yall deserve my biggest thanks for creating this great and fun community

@Game Masters Gonna miss this program and the staff team so goddamn much hopefully  i can come back to both teams in the summer when im off

@everyone else who i forgot to mention, im sorry but just know ill miss everyone i called a friend on this server and even those i didnt

Fuck uhh idk how to end this with other than @ing all those who constantly complain about the server and dont realize there are almost no other servers like this one that do so much for their player base and what they want. People are never satisfied.

before i go just one more big thank you to the founders. bless up

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