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Cannon siege

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Veteran Admin

Name:  Clorox

Who helped (If applicable): Vortexus, lilj, moose

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Invasion: Cannon Siege - Google Docs

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2/3/3 the start was fun rushing the aa turret, but as soon as we got locked into the base it went down dramatically.
first problem perma weapons were use against us (dioxis grenade).
second problem we got locked into base without any way to get friendlies in because we couldnt open the mhb doors or hack them.
third problem we were 3-4 people in BCC getting enemies spawned on us and when we pushed them back more and more kept coming with t-21 and perfect accuracy 

if the last part wasnt as it was i would most likely give it 4/4/3 because it was alot of fun in the start but that ending can not happen it ruined the entire deployment for me

Current Rancor LT MEDL Alpha 22 Aven (A.K.A Evan)

Former: 501st WO MEDL KIX. 41st CPT MEDL


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