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f4 Menu Kick Broken

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Bug Type (Server:): F4 Menu (CWRP)

Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High

Evidence (if you can): I don't have evidence but recently during a DB a CT who was kicked from the battalion still had their CG Player model and was in the CT category in the tab scoreboard.

Description of the bug: This player was kicked for inactivity within CG and I used the f4 menu kick option. So one day he decides to get on during a DB and was running into DB with CG armor and still having a baton. I took a look at the scoreboard and he was placed on the CT category. He began to Mass Arrest everyone and was stripped of his role by a admin. Fixing the Kick option within the in game roster would be great and quick action on removing members from their whitelist.

How can we recreate it: I have no clue but if you can fix that issue that would be great. Was told by Xaze to report this.

Edited by KnightVR

Current: None | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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