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187th Comes to Visit


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Who helped (If applicable):


Event Name:

187th Came to Visit

Summary of the story:

A group of 187th members were on leave from the Venator they were transferred to and with a made-from-scrap ship they flew to the Redeemer to visit us. It got somewhat troublesome, as Naval and High Command were extremely weary of 187th, demanding they took off their helmets, stripping them of access to most rooms and always had troops watching them. Their ship was damaged and while repairs were undergoing it caught on fire and was forced out the ship before exploding. They came with well regards from Commander Ginyu and to honor their fallen Commander BCNS. The Redeemer crew grew a distrust to these troopers and made up a fake mission to deploy them to in order to get them off the ship. Their ship sent them to a different system on an LAAT that only had enough fuel for one trip. Upon arrival, the 187th found what seemed to be the FOB but found themselves in a corner when unsuspected alien forces attacked them instead of facing off against the CIS as they thought. Their goal was to recover the body of their sector's REG CMD, Chillybones' body, which they found (or so they thought) to be but a torso. The mission was all a fake but 187th still got into quite some scenario. They were outnumbered and fled into what they thought was a cave but upon exploring found out it was an underground bunker with a ship. They patched the ship up and set course for Redeemer. Once they returned, to the disbelief of Naval, it turned out (of course) that the corpse was not the REG CMD's and was infected, sprawling out the alien race all over the Temple where they had crash landed on emergency. With the help of Temple Guards & Sarra Keto, they took down all the aliens. The Redeemer crew, still weary of 187th, demanded them to be analyzed in Medbay and cleansed of any infection. During the inspection, the Medic got infected from washing his hands with dirty water that became infected airborne with the virus (He rolled a 1...) and was taken out to be tended by another Medic. The 187th refused to be treated by him as they were fine, it as the outside of their armor that was infected, so they were taken to a separate room and ended up performing the medical procedure on themselves with the machine thanks to the MEDXO. Afterwards, they were escorted to bunks to get some rest, forced to share bunks with new recruits. After their rest, they got back onto their new ship and flew back to their Venator.

What was the result of the event?:

People have serious trust issues and treated the 187th like they were undercover CIS traitors.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


Edited by Zyner
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  • Founder

+1 was a great event but everyone needs to really chill and realize that not everyone that comes onto the ship is hostile...

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