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Shrimp's Quest Idea #1


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Name: Shrimp / Meena Tills

Quest Name: Risky negotiations!

Quest Description: A CIS Senator is requesting you to come with your guards to the waters by the Outpost here on Onderon to negotiate terms for him defecting to the Republic. Be wary, it may be a trap!

Which Faction(s) is it for: Senate & Senate Commando/Guard (either can start it; Senate Guard tryout hosts may utilize this as a part of their tryout when no Senators are on)

What would be required for it: 

  1. Waypoints over to the Outpost from quest giver in bunks.
  2. Spawn a 100 HP (friendly) unarmed NPC modeled as models/player/valley/nossorri.mdl to use as the CIS Senator (or use alternative model/NPC) on one of the platforms in the water. Waypoint over to right in front of it, saying to go negotiate with him.
  3. Upon reaching the waypoint, spawn a few (so it isn't terribly difficult) Commando Droids in the surrounding rocks/area that will kill the CIS Senator (this is why it is a friendly NPC!) and try to kill the people playing the quest.
  4. After killing all the droids, if the CIS Senator is still alive, despawn him and replace with an entity of the same model that can picked up. Have an objective to "collect" him and take him back to base. (Note that it may be best to just start him as a model from the beginning if that isn't possible the other way)
  5. Deliver him to the front of the brig so CG can handle the details. <End of quest>

Any additional information: Make it so anybody can damage the NPCs, not just quest starter. Have a very lengthy cooldown on how long this can be done. Payout up to you guys to determine.


Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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