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Current force power issues

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Bug Type (Server:): Wiltos use on NPCs

Severity Level (1-3): Between 2 and 3

Evidence (if you can): I have been testing them throughout each update and hotfix in the past several days, but I can make a recording of the tests if someone requests it (or you can see it for yourself with the help of an NPC and saber)

Description of the bug: The following powers still do not work with the current droids (I have ordered them from most important to least important): Whirlwind, Burnout, Overdrive Beams, Lightning Stream and Vitrolic Discharge. These are powers that don't work with the old NPCs either, but are lower priority anyways: Group/Force Pull/Push, Crippling Slam, Force Slow, Force Stasis, and all executions.

Additionally the red arrow that appears above players and NPCs heads when you hold E with a targeting force power does not appear.

How can we recreate it: Using the force powers against the droids

Solution: Forseen and the Devs are already looking into it, this is just an active list for them 


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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