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BigMan's - Patrol Discovery

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Who helped (If applicable): Egg (GREE), Hollow, Whale, Rys, Wolf, Zim

Event Name: Patrol Discovery

Summary of the story: The republic has constructed a base at a good vantage point on a moon in a remote sector. The construction Crew was lead by a planetary commander Teel. The construction finished and Teel needed a garrison to run day to day activites on base until his venator arrived with the actual Garrison. The DEF and SPEC batts arrived as the Temp garrison and sent out patrols to discover a hidden droid factory 

What was the result of the event?: The republic pushed back the attackers and counter attacked and destroyed the hidden droid factory

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP in running base ops and SHOOTEMUP action from mid to end

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