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Trig's Commander Fox Application


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Steam Name: [SR] Trig [Admin]

RP Name: Trig

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:22728577

Battalion you are applying for: Coruscant Guard

Why should you become a Commander?: I am applying for Commander Fox because I do want to do more for the CG. At the moment I am working with all of our CG at the moment with working on docs and designing our new protocols. I originally was planning on just going for a high up rank in the CG and I was being told by some of the CG that I should go for the commander position. At the moment I am trying to get our CG together so we all are ready for the server when it goes live. I do have a lot of plans for them and to make the battalion a great battalion for the server. I have had about a month and a half experience as an XO, I do not try to take credit for what my battalion does and I do try to take the opinions of everyone no matter what their rank is, I treat my troops at all ranks with respect and as I do have little former ST or CG knowledge I do have PoliceRP knowledge and it practically uses the same battons and arrest system. I never like to talk about I I I, what I do like to talk about is us as a whole. I want to run for Commander so I can do more for us as the battalion, so I can get our documents that we are making official.  

What plans do you have for the battalion you are appling for?: My plans for the CG would to be to treat them more like a security detail instead of just a escort. I want CG to be moving around the base instead of sitting around. I want them searching people who are comming into the base, I want them controlling and keeping track who is outside the base and comming in aswell as pilots landing and taking off. I want them to be more then what they used to be. In the teamspeak channel us CG that have been talking keep saying make CG great as we do all have plans for those. And right now I can only do so much without making it official for everyone without being commander Fox. I do want to make the CG a battalion that everyone on synergy can respect

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your postion? Sure as hell I do understand, I will be on my clone as much as I can be. I do love clonewarsRP and it is something I like playing on.

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+1 I believe this person should have a chance as Commander Fox, considering he had taken initiative to start making documents for CG and has my full support.

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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So Trig you are my boy, and I try to support you in most things as boys do. Most of the time I would say you are a fantastic choice for any commander position. You have good leadership skills and I have seen that when put in a place where you have to, you can really step up. However, I don't see the experience in this sort of area. I also see someone else who would really fit this role like a glove. But as I don't think you would be a bad choice I am neutral, just giving feedback and voicing my opinion.

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