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Commander Waxer's Staff Application


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RP Name: |TR 212th GCO PLT Commander Waxer/CBlake| 2ndAC Jedi Padawan CBlake|

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:197189512

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): To start off I am a previous New Admin that transferred my staff over from Icefuse. I understand the dos and don’ts of the server and would love to help enforce them more. I want to be able to handle minges and also help anyone with problems and concerns no matter what they may be. Most importantly I want to help to realize how an amazing this server is. I want to give back to the server 10xs as much as they have gave us in the community. I also want to someday be a Game Master so that I may be able to bring more events for the community to enjoy day in, day out. I am an active member of the community and I am an extremely mature member.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Corey in rl hint the reason my name is CBlake. I am 20 years old and currently at a University part of the Respiratory Care Program. I love to play all types of games ranging from sports to FPS games. I have a huge imagination and a great sense of humor.

Do you have any previous staff experience?
Former GTA V Server Owner (Roleplay based with close to irl laws. shut down after about 3 years of running)
Former Icefuse Network Moderator (I transferred)
Former Synergy Roleplay New Administrator (I had fun but ultimately didn’t get enough tickets so I was removed. That will change if I get another chance)

Edited by 212th CBlake
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Ultra nerd. Not mature. Not ready for staff team 







































Nah this dude is a G, one of our best 212th, and a great guy. Good luck my dude. +1

Edited by Shockpoint

If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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