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Mupiov/Sev's Climber Application


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Steam Name: Mupiov


RP Name: RC 07 Delta Squad Sev


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:216282049


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Ion Team



Before I continue to list my experience, I would like to point out that I agree, a certain degree of experience is necessary if someone wants to fill a Squad Lead/BCMD position. While I may not have been in many battalions or on the server for as long as others, its true that once I joined this server and began to take it seriously around 2 months ago, I have become somewhat obsessed with the (more) challenging things on the server. Something that I take pride in is joining the server and 2 weeks later passing RC tryouts to become Delta Squad's Sev. Throughout my time in Delta Squad, I have developed my abilities on working with other people within my squad and taking charge in times when needed (Basically if Boss isn't on). A few (rare) times I continued a tryout for a Delta Squad position if Boss had to go away for a little while and I believe they went just as smooth as usual. Due to my experience with being in RC and Sev for as long as I have,  I also have the ability to work extremely well with the current Niner and Boss and in turn adopting their training techniques and tryout procedures. Now...onto proper battalion experience.

91st Reconnaissance Corps 

This was the first battalion that I ever tried out for almost immediately after my training had finished. I remember being nervous and asking my trainer a lot of questions just to be sure that I had a good chance and was good enough to try out for it. However, this was around the time that Shadow Company had recently been "reborn" and once I had waited my three days so I could leave the battalion, I did so and went to try out for SC. Albeit I somewhat regret not staying in this battalion for longer, it was a fun welcome to the server the few days I was in it.


Shadow Company

This was the second battalion that I had joined during my time in CWRP and was arguably one of the best. Once I joined this battalion I had the pleasure of watching it become awakened once more as the internal hierarchy developed throughout the ranks. I joined this battalion as a PVT (No I didn't get promoted while in 91st, I really didn't understand different ways to get recognized for promotion then) and ranked up to MSG (I believe this is the equivalent) over roughly a 7-10 day time-span.


Delta Squad

My final and current battalion (SQUAD) that I have been involved with and let me just say this was the most fun that I had had on Garry's Mod in a while. During my 2nd week on the server I finally worked up the courage to go to a Delta Squad tryout. The first time I failed miserably and went back after I had realized the error I had done. My second tryout...I got to the final stages of it and failed on something simple, while this may have been a point in which many would have quit I stubbornly came back because I decided I was not going to get that far just to give up. I got it again on the 5th tryout. The role I held for over a month now has been Sev, the psychotic and somewhat mental sniper of Delta Squad (who got left on Kashyyyk). The only Boss I had been lead by was Punda, and in my opinion one of a few truly meant for that position.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: Climber is a role I was interested in since I had heard it was going to be added, and once it was I was originally sad just by the fact that the spots in Ion had been predetermined rather than hosting a proper interview and tryout process. It wasn't until recently that I realized that it was necessary for the fact that having those slots set up and held by higher ranking staff members allow for it to become more organized before opening interviews and such. I have shown extreme dedication to this server (800 hours on this account, because I started playing when I had like 10, probably 600 total excluding the hours I was AFK) and its community and once I made the wonderful decision to become staff I realized that this was a golden community worth fully committing and investing my time in. During my time as Sev as I previously stated, I worked closely with Boss and Niner a lot (Including PT .-.) and have the ability to create a unified RC on the server in general rather than split. If I become Climber, I plan to work in-sync with them including weekly training and actively participating in RC training SIMS. 


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes


Availability: Excluding Fridays currently due to high school football season, it will be about 4 weeks until I can play in the daytime on a Friday. Outside of that, I am on and active everyday from 12 PM - 12 AM CST


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I have played on Synergy Roleplay for about 2 months.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Whenever I step down from Climber, I want Ion Team to be one of the most truly elite among the server. I want each spot to be filled with someone extremely active (without getting burnt out). They should also be extremely skilled in their ability to RP and appreciated throughout the battalions on the server. Finally, I will help to make Ion Team stable in the most difficult of times (if that occurs). 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Edited by Mupiov
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  • Coordinator

+1 really good pvper

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Huge +1. Coming from Boss, Mupiov is an excellent RC and I would say a role model that other RC could follow. Mupiov is my 2nd in command of Delta, and he is that for a reason. Mupiov is always doing stuff with Delta, and i would be happy to see him lead the next RC squad. 

Also this is the first Sev or Fi where I have seen him only use the sniper rifle DC17m

Edited by Punda
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I had no idea who this dude was when he tried out for RC. He slowly gained our attention due to the amount of time he showed up to the trouts.

He eventually passed the Sev tryouts, and I have been incredibly impressed by him, he is a MONSTER at PVP, and shows great leadership abilities.


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+1 I remember when we were both at Sev tryouts, I failed every time at the same place, but every time you tried you were really close to get it and you never stop trying, you look like someone dedicated and I'm sure you are the best fit for Climber. Hope you get it my guy

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