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Ricos first day on Anaxes


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Name: Silvy

Who helped (If applicable): Misfit

Event/Encounter Name: Ricos first day on Anaxes

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): RI Commander Rico appears to jump out over Anaxes airspace. He does start to try to land but gets shot at by the CIS and crash lands in between 2 trees. His commlink then activates and starts sending out tracking signals wich the CIS find after the Republic gets the Commander back to Anaxes base. I love how the 104th does get alot of HP on their AT-TE that gets bombarded at Aurek. The CIS Commander gets orderd to retreat from the Anaxes air space by Count Dooku as he have sent out all his droids. Victory for the republic


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Current: 332ndO ARCL LT Sterling, Mrs. Jackson, Jedi Knight Silvya
Former: HS/DU and Knight Tiplar, SA x3, GM/GH and Alpha-22 2ndLT MEDL Aven, Master over Stockings in Boxing fights

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Zero out of  Ten, Horrible AAR, Disrespect in AAR, Abusing Staff Powers and Cloaking abilities to move a ATTE OUT OF FUCKING COVER, Spawning after the source was destroyed, Lagged the server, Excessive amount of turbo lasers and spawns, Targetting specific players, HOPPE IN THE FUCKING ATTE MOVED IT SO WE HAD NO COVER AND THEN BOMBED US, PRECISE TARGETING WITH TURBOLASERS,  complain all you want about hp of the ATTE but in truth you are so incompetent at being a Gm you were just shooting a tree next to the ATTE.  Horrible fucking event, never wanna see that again, Also you crashed multiple peoples games, horrible event

Edited by RepublicOfTea
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1 minute ago, Azzero said:

1/10 hated being bombed the whole time. And to add spawning B1s after we destroyed MTT was not cool.

I tried to be everywhere at the same time. But could not get everything at the same time

Current: 332ndO ARCL LT Sterling, Mrs. Jackson, Jedi Knight Silvya
Former: HS/DU and Knight Tiplar, SA x3, GM/GH and Alpha-22 2ndLT MEDL Aven, Master over Stockings in Boxing fights

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Zero out of Ten. I NEVER want to see anything like this again. You're going to sit here and bombard Aurek, with only the 104th in it, for 10+ minutes straight? You think targeting the AT-TE and the AT-TE only is fine, and then you go INVISIBLE, go into the thing, and try to forcefully move it out of cover? Not to mention when you finally DID destroy it you then targeted individual people with the turbolasers. If there was any immersion or realism it was gone within seconds. Just about the only GOOD thing for this was the dupe. And to add, you put THIS in your AAR report? " I love how the 104th does get alot of HP on their AT-TE that gets bombarded at Aurek. " It was in cover, and if you're going to complain, say it to us.

Edited by Zeros

i carried onderon events


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0/10 you bombed my ATTE directly. not around the base but directly my ATTE for ten minutes. When I RP and repaired it you just bombed it more or sniped me. When i moved her into cover YOU FUCKING JUMPED INTO MY ATTE WHILE INVISIBLE TO MOVE IT OUT OF COVER THEN SHOT ME DIRECTLY WITH ONE OF THE LASERS. after I died you removed it and just *pop*ed in one of your own tanks. and spawned in damaged boosted droids.  you didn't get your way so you just targeted us till you did and that was bull shit. you didn't play along with us you just fraught us the entire time. nothing about that was fun and fuck you for trying to steal my ATTE as you were invis.  complain all you want about hp of the ATTE but in truth you are so incompetent at being a Gm you were just shooting a tree next to the ATTE. 

Edited by Markiemax
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Just now, GuyonaWhim said:

2/10 Forced an ATTE to move out of the way of cover to destroy it, bombarded us for 10 minutes straight but majority of the time firing at said ATTE,  Cool dupe though

I tried to kill the AT-TE for lag but did not want to despawn it. So that was my fault. I am truly sorry about that 104th. But still great work on holding it alive though

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Current: 332ndO ARCL LT Sterling, Mrs. Jackson, Jedi Knight Silvya
Former: HS/DU and Knight Tiplar, SA x3, GM/GH and Alpha-22 2ndLT MEDL Aven, Master over Stockings in Boxing fights

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Keep in mind that you can use the ship destruction tool for quick removal of vehicles during events. Seems like it would solve most of your problems with the complaints being given on here.

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19 hours ago, Square said:

Keep in mind that you can use the ship destruction tool for quick removal of vehicles during events. Seems like it would solve most of your problems with the complaints being given on here.

Yeah just tried to make it so the 104th went inside the base before i did it. But he was stuborn.

Current: 332ndO ARCL LT Sterling, Mrs. Jackson, Jedi Knight Silvya
Former: HS/DU and Knight Tiplar, SA x3, GM/GH and Alpha-22 2ndLT MEDL Aven, Master over Stockings in Boxing fights

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