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York/Echo's Staff Application (Tomas waved my thirty days)

Agent Echo

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RP Name: TR 501st ARCO TC 2ndLT Echo

Steam ID: Steam_0:1:97816356

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Coming into this community I was amazed at how everyone got things done. Now that I am investing more and more time into this server I started wanting to help out in any way I could. I found that the best way to help the community that I am in was to apply for staff. Not only would this be a fun experience for me but I would also be getting to help out in many more ways than I could as just a member. My whole purpose in applying was so that I could help this community. I wanted to work with the community in synergy. I have really come to enjoy playing on Synergy CWRP and I hope to make it so that others can enjoy playing her as well.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm a Junior in High School, I'm top 30 of my class I am a varsity starter on my high school wrestling team. I am currently involved in Boy Scouts of America and am working to get Eagle Scout. I am hardworking and disciplined, these qualities has been exemplified in me through my experience wrestling. My family has heavy ties with the military and so I have been taught respect, and being raised in the south I have some southern hospitality.

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You have been accepted for an interview!

Please contact an Overseer by 12/27/17 for your interview.


Best of luck!!!

// Locked

// Moved to Pending

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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