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Day 69. (Short Story.)


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Hololog Entry 2 - Day 69

       I had almost forgot about this old Datapad. It's a memento item at this point. A Reminder of brothers and friends lost. It's been 45 days since my last entry, and the times have gotten darker. The war rages on, with no sign of slowing. From the rumors I hear, the boys back on Kamino are shipped out before their training is even complete due to the increasing need of men to hold outposts, and reacquired territories. Every shiny that comes on board this vessel is given another basic course, just to make sure they are up to the challenge. I've seen more action aboard this ship then I think most do in a lifetime, and there is no sign that its going to slow. The 187th and 38th Battalions were shipped out to other locations, and ION squad has shown up. There has also been a massive influx of Jedi, which is relieving but also concerning. I've brought it up to command before, the sheer amount of VIP's aboard one vessel, however they keep assuring me that they know whats best. I believe them... I think.. It's hard to know anymore. I feel like my mind is at war with itself. I know I'm not supposed to self diagnose or treat, but I feel like there is something being hidden from me. Even hidden from the medical officers themselves. Yet I also feel this urge, this nearly overwhelming urge to trust in my superiors and the Republic as a whole, to not ask questions and just follow orders.. It's just the way we're bred I suppose.

      I've been transferred from the 212th Attack Battalion to the 327th Star Corps. According to the officers at the time, this was due to the Corps being a better fit for my particular combat techniques. Apparently my unorthodox plans of attack suited the needs of the Star Corps designated Outer Rim missions. Well, I have to admit they were right. I've worked my way up the chain of command. Fought hard and fought well enough to be given the rank of Commander. Was the proudest day of my life, being promoted right there in front of all my brothers. I'm just glad no one noticed how elated I was at the time, Like a Womp Rat in a candy cellar. Since then I've been training my brothers, leading them into the fray, and carrying the banner of the Republic to planets all across the Outer Rim. Speaking of which, Nar Shaadaa is absolutely breathtaking. I've heard its the Criminal's Coruscant, but that doesn't bother me one bit. Something about the danger of every corner, the eyes you feel on your back like tips of a dagger in your skin, and the sounds of blaster shots mixed with loud music. I love it. It feels like home to me. I hope we get to go back soon.

      Serving directly under Bly has been a change of pace to say the least. He keeps me and Deviss quite busy with training and planning. He requested I join Deviss's K-Company as a field medic and assist them in their missions with my Engineering, Technological, and Medical training. I honestly think he's trying to keep me busy. I can't blame him though, especially with my other proclivities, and my tendency to experiment with cybernetics. I've gotten quite adept at it as well, I must say. I've been working tirelessly on an eye implant that you could use in combination with a datapad to allow you to see three dimensional Holograms without use of a holopad, as well as a brain/cerebral implant that would allow you to interface with a terminal or machine directly. That last one is going to take a long time to finish, but I'm quite certain it can be done. Hopefully the C.O.'s will see the usefulness in such an invention, or at least won't try and hinder my efforts. Bly himself seems somewhat interested, though he wants me to work on cardiovascular implants built towards negating toxins and deadly fauna. Those already exist I told him, but it's rare to find, so he feels more comfortable in me creating them myself. The work never ends.

     Till next time, which hopefully won't be so long, This is 327th K-Company Commander Zahariel signing off.

(Hope you all enjoyed. I know its not as interesting for others, as this is mostly about me, but I knew I had to do another one when I realized today was my 69th day on the server, aswell as my 69th post. Too perfect to ignore. Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day.)

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