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Darth Hords Checkup 1

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Name: Frank

Summary of encounter: Darth Hord came to the base Anaxes to look for Darth Chrome and to do his daily checkup here, He came across some conflict with a Jedi Master where they got into combat Darth hord got on good terms with the clones and got info on Darth Chrome and left the planet. Was not really a clone event

Link to encounter Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X7pNx9g05eC3yCDzrvYXlsqMrU2d0PmI5cUadzV1HPA/edit?usp=sharing Darth Hords Lore 


Edited by [SR] Frank

Current: Jedi Knight

Former: DU Captain x2 | Meena Tills | Mas Amedda

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7/10 Solid passive RP event, but only for those directly involved. Many troopers may have not even have known there was an event going on due to the smale scale. Also I left before I could see the ending so this is only based off my personal experience.


Jedi Youngling

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Decent event. SithRP is always hard to do well, between impatient clones and Jedi who can't RP. From what I saw, it was done well. Maybe in the future consider adding things for clones to do aside from circle you with LAATs. 


Don't let smelly Jedi get you down. Non Hostile Sith are best Sith.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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Honestly I believe you handled the event rather poorly by not really reading how the Jedi and Republic are meant to react to a sith or how they are meant to act.

By this I mean at this point the Jedi are doing their best to hunt down all sith and either destroy or convert them in order to bring balance to the force so you can't just swan up to the base as a Sith and expect to be treated as a old friend who we will trade happy jabs with as Sith are a hostile element to the whole republic.

You might think well Chrome can do it but he has had his misgivings with it but even then as of right now he is acting as a Jedi convert so that is how he can do it.

What I reccomend in future to not create unessecary conflict is the infiltrate as a pretend Jedi and try and gather info that way if your purpouse is to gather info as there is no good reason in RP why any republic forces would knowing work with/assist a Sith outside of palpatine of extenuating circumstances like what happened with Dooku, Kenobi and Anakin.

And please if you are going to be a Sith then act like one as Sith they are conflict that is their purpose and are trained to hate and want to kill Jedi without mercy. Its not a matter of oh well I am just a nice reasonable Sith as that is the opposite to what they are thats more a grey jedi. The Sith are corrupted by anger and that fules them to conflict and is why a Sith who is not pretending to be something else fails in the context you used it in.

Primarily if your plan is to manipulate the republic into helping you they can't know what you are as a Sith just look at what happened to palptine the second the Jedi had a coffession he was the Sith Lord.

So I hope this clears up some of the grievances I had with the event. Now sure they were more personal issues that happened during the event but do not need to be bought up here I hope this helps as.

Edited by Scarecrow
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