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A bit of transparency

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So... I feel bad never actually disclosing why I had to leave head admin, or why I got it back. I also feel bad because I never thanked Joah near enough. So this is a public thank you. Essentially if you are outside my circle of friends here you don't know but basically my mother has a tumor and some pollips in her colon, she needs surgery to remove them and she has been in pain recently. I wanted to be there for her so I resigned head admin, when I spoke to joah and it came up, he pointed out that I was an idiot for not telling him and just taking an extended LOA. He offered me the Head Admin spot back because I was an idiot, because Joah would have made sure I could have taken the time I needed. Long story short people if you have life stuff happening or issues like that, let us know, we are supportive people and we will do what we can for you. I am always here to talk to. We are a family, we take care of our own here.


On a side note her surgery is coming up and the tumor is benign, only the pollip was cancerous so we should be okay.

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