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Koala's Staff Application

Tactical Koala

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RP Name: Koala

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:101514865



Timezone: Us Central 

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I want to administrate for the server because I believe there are certain issues that cause the server and its battalions to run less efficiently then they should be able to. For instance for a Player as a individual to increase their status and position is required to be a active player and communicate with the community, Attend training and simulations, as well as introduce new players to the community. Many Battalions have ARC Troopers working beside them. However for those players who want to achieve the status ARC Or Advanced Recon Commandos. The training can be quite difficult to obtain considering RANCOR, The Premier Battalion in ARC training is running less efficiently then they should be due to a lack of mature officers ready and able to devote time to the server to train different players in these training's that we have had a severe lack of for quite a while. These training's are, Selection, Weapons and Tactics, And Leadership. I wish to make the players experience as smooth and efficient as possible which means giving them the training they require to move up in rank and all out importance to the server. This in turn allows the Battalions to be more efficient as they have more officers and NCO's To run these training's as well as run the battalions as a whole.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have always taken a interest in the Logistics and tactics of the Armed forces of the United States of America. In Turn I have devoted quite a bit of time to my studies on the armed forces and hope to serve in the few months to come. and with and without this knowledge one person knows that without enough officers a Army or force cannot work efficiently. Recruits must be trained, fed, Clothed, and Housed. This takes a lot of time. But a GMOD server isnt the Military nor does the basic Recruit need nearly as much support to be a fully trained soldier. But some aspects of our military do take into account when trying to replicate one on a much smaller scale. Recruits still must receive training they require to be troopers. and Troopers require training to be more than troopers ARC, NULL, RC, SC, ECT. I intend to make the process for these troopers and everyday players much easier if its within my power. This doesnt mean to promote, Give rank or favor. This means giving them the knowledge to succeed. where they wish do. If they wish to work for it. 


Do you have any previous staff experience: I have quite a bit of staffing Experience I worked for ASG, And BLN and have done other staffing duties on various differing games like, ARMA 3, and Mount and blade war-band. I have learned how to code in Arma 3, And may wish to learn how to code in GMOD. If the community so needs it. I have a estimated 3-4 Years of Staffing Experience. And I would offer these expertise, Should you require it. To the community I have held the following staffing positions: MOD, ADMIN, SUPER ADMIN, GAME MASTER, HEAD GAME MASTER, HEAD ADMIN, HEAD OF ADMINISTRATION RECRUITMENT. 

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- nothing you listed has anything to do with being a staff member. All you talked about was the battalions and how you would make them better as staff

- im extremely confused on what you where getting at in your application.

No harsh feelings, best of luck on your application

~ Seven

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On 10/26/2017 at 11:53 AM, Seven said:


- nothing you listed has anything to do with being a staff member. All you talked about was the battalions and how you would make them better as staff


Im pretty sure he stats that the vast majority of the community wanted/wants to become a ARC Trooper whether thats regimental or through RANCOR you require a staff member to 1. Whitelist after the ARC selection trainings, Set those training up. 2. Whitelist and support other battalions. What else does he need to mention? He has expressed his passion for wanting to go out of his way and support other battalions through more ways that what he is currently doing as his current rank on this community. 




Do you have any previous staff experience: I have quite a bit of staffing Experience I worked for ASG, And BLN and have done other staffing duties on various differing games like, ARMA 3, and Mount and blade war-band. I have learned how to code in Arma 3, And may wish to learn how to code in GMOD. If the community so needs it. I have a estimated 3-4 Years of Staffing Experience. And I would offer these expertise, Should you require it. To the community I have held the following staffing positions: MOD, ADMIN, SUPER ADMIN, GAME MASTER, HEAD GAME MASTER, HEAD ADMIN, HEAD OF ADMINISTRATION RECRUITMENT. 

Expresses his other staffing experiences and does have something to do with being a Staff member.


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
  • 212th ARC Lead
  • 212th Sharp Shooter Lead
  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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On ‎10‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 6:37 AM, Reed said:

Im pretty sure he stats that the vast majority of the community wanted/wants to become a ARC Trooper whether thats regimental or through RANCOR you require a staff member to 1. Whitelist after the ARC selection trainings, Set those training up. 2. Whitelist and support other battalions. What else does he need to mention? He has expressed his passion for wanting to go out of his way and support other battalions through more ways that what he is currently doing as his current rank on this community. 



Expresses his other staffing experiences and does have something to do with being a Staff member.

So what your saying is the reason he wants to be staff is to whitelist people when they tryout for arc and so that he can setup trainings, ect? You can use other staff members for that. Staff are to help out the community in whole and your main purpose to join shouldn't be to support one battalion.

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