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Eric's staff application

Eric The Eric

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RP Name: TR 104th PLT MSG Eric

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:185082659

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Timezone: PST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be be a administrator because i want to help the server. Out with getting rid of bad and mingy people. Also help with other staff related stuff like becoming a game maker. Also admins usually help people. I would love to also love to help people while being as friendly and nice as i can be. I know that staffing is serious and very important. As i heard staffing over role play and i know that i am ready to take that responsibility. I also really like staff members because i know that they are like guardian to everyone on the server and people that people usually like and are happy about and you don't get fear from staff member. (unless your scared of being banned).

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Eric in real life i was born in Rock dale county Georgia i have a slight lisp because my southern accent is completely gone and it wants to come back. Also i love gaming. i started on the original Xbox and then i grew up with xbox then got a PS4 then a PC and that's where i am now.

Do you have any previous staff experience? No i do not have any but i am willing to get some from here.

Edited by yoboiyumyumz
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+1 Eric, you can sometimes be mingy, but I like you mate, you make me laugh during events and on the server. I feel like you can become a trusted and great staff member if given the chance. that's a +support from me mate.


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- your reasoning for applying was really messy with a lot of grammar mistakes but you did say you had a southern accent along with a lisp, im not sure if that affects your grammar or not but ill just ignore the grammar part for now.

- your application was very generic. You said how you wanted to help players, and how you want to stop minges, ect which isn’t a bad thing at all, its just you didnt describe your self on those topics. You just typed it. Now i know the saying “actions speak louder than words” but by describing what you will do to help out players and the server, will further back you up when you actually do the things you said in your application if you get accepted. That will show that your a man of your word. As you said how admins are their to help out which is true, everyone can help out new players without being a moderator or an administrator.

no harsh feelings, best of luck on your application

~ Seven

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