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StarKiller Staff Application


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RP Name: TR GM 4thKUOSL LT StarKiller

Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076006273/

Age: 17

Gender: Male 

Timezone: PST (CA)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): 

I want to be able to help out the server, and as well as help out my own battalion. Currently in my position in Keller's Unit it would be beneficial for me to be an admin so I can help out my Commanders and High-Ranking Officers. I enjoy helping people out and making it a smooth and nice role play experience for the players. Giving them the experience of Star Wars RP that they deserve. I want to be able to help a server that I have been on since launch, and I have appreciated all the work it has done to make my gaming experience so great.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): 

I'm pretty lay back and friendly person, when I need to be I will do what needs to be done. I am a leader and try to make sure all of my battalion is happy. I treat everyone with the same respect and friendliness that they deserve. I am huge star wars fan and have been since before I could even remember, on top of that I really love gaming so anything that involves the two has me excited. I never played gmod RP before Icefuse, and since coming over from there I have met so many nice, devoted, and fun people it motivates me to keep playing to meet new people.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

This would be my first time ever having a staff position.

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