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Audio's Ban Appeal


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RP Name: 212th JT TR2 Audio
Steam ID: 
Date of Ban: 10/09/17
Length of Ban: Didn't say
Offense: RDM x2

They marked me for Mass RDM which is x3+, along with mass resisting, and no intent to further RP
Banned By: Skirata


Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: RDMx2 is not mass rdm. 2x is not bannable by staff rules. The mass resisting was to buy time for CBlake to get there, because he was not in TS with us (I think he was trying to get the arrest called off in chat).. A solid 15-20min had to have passed from the time of the incident before things actually started happening, due to no active CG's being on. Someone made one switch over, and by that point, should have just let the issue be resolved within the 212th. Honestly, if I had no intent to further RP, why would I have come back from retirement? On a final note, I was just trying to get them to give me the proper AR for RDMx2, I didn't care much for the no bail part, but if you are going to arrest me, get the AR right. By claiming a false RDMx3, that made me eligible for a ban i shouldn't have got.
Evidence to support your claims: talk to 2ndAC 2ndLt CBlake (originally called for the CG), and he was even trying to argue for my case before the ban.

Edited by Audio
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2ndAC W1 ITM 2ndLT CBlake here,  I was one of the men Rdm  and I got confirmation by a fellow trooper that audio only rdm'd me and someone else  and ALMOST killed someone else by stray shots and last time I checked that didn't count. Audio is a great trooper and it was late  he was dicking around like some of us was.  I did NOT call AOS on him thou  I had no clue that it was Audio until Geanry a fellow trooper posted in chat about this. I then ran to MHB for a OPTIONAL PT by a 101st CO and I noticed a CG so I walked up to him and said  "Find audio and AOS him  lol"   he then turned to me and said I can't I'm trying to arrest this JT    .... needless to say the JT was Audio  and I also will confirm the timeframe I know me and Geanry called MANY times about getting a CG to investigate.. and NO ONE came.  there for his AOS should of been called off or alteast have let me explain before he got banned.     

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