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Sharuuk Enters


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Name: Levii

Who helped (If applicable): Jack, Scooby, Lix, DJ

Event Name: Sharuuk Enters

Summary of the story: A senator brought cleaning droids onto the base and warned of an intergalactic terroist. The terroist lit the engines on fire resulting in them shutting down and an invasion took place. during the invasion the cleaning droids selfdestructed. After that Sharuuk openly challenges the republic. He succesfully takes down wrecker who is healed but retreats when he is being overrun. He escapes to fight another day promising to be back.

What was the result of the event?: Sharuuk established himself and beat the strongest meathead in the republic. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot-em Up

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Dude, You gotta chill with the Senators fr. The event was decently fun, but the story makes no sense. There have been waaaaay too many Senator events lately, if there isn't a Senator, there's almost always someone representing them for inspections or whatnot. People forget that this is the Felucian theater, one of the most chaotic and dangerous in the war. It makes no sense for Senators and their representatives to show up uninvited everyday when there is constant fighting going on just a couple miles from the base. 

2/4. It was fun but you guys really need to understand where we actually are, and what exactly is going on in the galaxy.

Edited by Smeck
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