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JP- Jar Jar Taken

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Name: JP
Who Helped: Zen,and Keller
Summary Of encounter:

A Pilot is taking Jar Jar Binks to the base but gets ambushed by the CIS,Jar Jar is captured and put in slate while the CIS Have Stole the land between Slate and Granite which they plan to have the republic surrender for the senator.There are a set of B2's and commando's at Grate and Slate preparing for the Invasion of the base.The CIS has frigates ready for slate and granite for the attack if anyone tried to set the senator free.It was more of a shoot em up cause they wouldn't agree for a surrender of the base.

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3/4 RP was fun and the shooting aspects were good. Got a little frustrated with the EJs having a lot of health and the spawning of droids on the droppods but what can you do.

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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