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CWRP - Anderson's Staff Re-application


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RP Name: 

Was: CG Alpha-15 Captain Anderson, CG ARC Sergeant Sparker | Now: CG MED Cpatain Organ, Iivus Mars, Jedi Padawan Seer Jac

Steam ID: 


VIP (Y/N): 






What was your previous staff rank?:

Senior Admin.

Are you currently staff on a different server?:


Why did you leave the staff team?:

At the time I believe I left due to there not being enough time for me to conduct my duties. At the time my Tutor at College left for a new job leaving my class and the first years of my course with no Tutor. Previously doing work for the College in the summer, therefore having my DBS check done AND having experience in doing the first year of the course, I was giving the opportunity to work for the College teaching the first years of the course. 

This led to me falling behind on my work as I was focusing on doing my Job right. Therefore, when we got a new Tutor to Replace myself. I had to catch up with all the College work I have fallen behind on. Leaving no Time to staff on the server. 

after re-reading this, I understand this story may seem like bullshit but it is the Gods Honest Truth. 

Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum):

With Coronavirus revenging the world I have nothing better to do then get addicted to GMOD again. This means I also have time to get back into Staff, with my main goal to rejoin the GM team and host more events. I hope these events will be to a decent level of quality. Focusing on RP and Story as well as including Shoot-them-up parts, giving something for everyone to enjoy as I know that not everyone likes RP and not everyone enjoys Shoot-them-ups. Basically, trying to appeal to everyone's needs and getting everyone involved in the event which is ambitious and difficult to do. But I do like a challenge. 

Furthermore, I just enjoy helping out as much as possible. Without imploring any disrespect, I always feel that the GM programme suffers a decent bit from criticism for not conducting enough events for the player-base to enjoy. Especially during the EU/EST times where the Servers population is lower and nothing really happens on the server. This leaves people bored. As an EU/EST player I would like to increase the amount of events or even Encounters during these times, to help keep the player-base entertained during this time. 

In Continuation, having an extra pair of hands when ever the server has a surge of Minges or Raiders from another community is very rarely a downfall. I aim to make myself less of a burden on the overall team, allowing members to continue their tasks without myself interfering with their business. Being independent is key to ensuring that server runs optimally for the enjoyment of the players. 

Lastly, though elements of staff team or how things are run may have changed. I am willing to learn any new techniques or producers, that may have been adapted during my absence from the server and staff team in general.  

How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum):

Previously, as a Staff member I feel I was at a comfortable position of working with other GMs and EJs to conduct interesting Events that didn't go on for too long or that were too short. Though they were not perfect. I had my slip ups and some events turned into a mess. This was hard for me to deal with when I was new to the GM programme. However, with the help of other GMs and Staff members with experience I gained more confidence in my abilities to create and organise events. These Events ranged from Main Server to Event Server. 

I did not aspire to reach any higher than SA during my time in the staff team and therefore I completed my quotas, kept my head down and just got on with it. Which is the same approach I hope to take now. With Free time on my hands and my overall Health improving. 

Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?:


Edited by Anders0n
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