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Porsche's Re App


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RP Name: TR GM 4thSRS 2LT Porsche 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:101616753

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  Ive been staff on many servers, and i feel i helped out the community a lot on those servers. I want to help out this community. Many of my RP role models were staff (Tarkin, Price, Nyon, Summit, etc.) I also feel i represent the community in a good way. I always advertise Synergy when i can, and i have been known as a good person. I also have experience: [Legends RP (SuperAdmin), Cosmic Conquest RP (Admin/Head of Gamemasters), IceFuse CWRP (Mod x2)]

I also know how to treat people fairly. Im not going to be one of those people who sees things at face value. I believe in fairness so i will investigate the situation until an answer to the problen can be found. Im also known in other communities as a "counselor". Someone who people can talk to if they have issues. If i cant solve those issues alone, i bring it to higher ups, and keep going up until it can be answered. There have been many times this hasnt happened to me, which made me mad. I want to be there for the players and treat them better than i was treated in other communities.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Welp im 16 from NY. I enjoy Star Wars and am a self declared Lore Whore. Instead of doing schoolwork i tend to go to wookipedia and study star wars. Im also an avid gamer, enjoying RPG's such as WoW, and GMod. I also delve into Simulators a lot. Im also an Ex IFN OG member, having played on IFN for more than 2 years, reaching the rank of CMDR. I also make friends easily, and like to keep them.

Do you have any previous staff experience? As i stated above: Legends RP (SuperAdmin), Cosmic Conquest RP (Admin/Head of Gamemasters), IceFuse CWRP (Mod x2), and Highlander Gaming Webmaster, SRP NA (x1)

Edited by Porsche
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