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Bolt's Game Master (Re?)Application


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Name: Bolt

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105927181

Current Staff Rank: Senior Admin

Are you Currently a GH?: Yes, I applied like a few hours before this application before I knew I could go straight for GM since I re-apped as SA.

How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 5,542 on GMod total, so close to 5k for synergy (including the icefuse days before the synergy-icefuse split)

From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8.5

How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: Pretty good, I communicate well with others and I can lead an event efficiently.

Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes, I understand inactivity will result in my removal.

Give us an Event idea that you would like to produce: 

Map used is nar shaddaa. On Nar Shaddaa, a pro-republic mayor by the name of Bolt Bolten is mayor of a sector on the planet. His sector is occassionally ravaged by gang violence which he sometimes needs outside help, aka the republic, so recently a gang arose of Trandoshans, led by a high class Hutt, who wished to takeover that sector and rule it, but Bolt Bolten wouldn't want that, so Bolt Bolten attempted to attack them and take them out, but their forces narrowly won, so Bolt Bolten contacted the republic for assistance. So a few battalions are deployed onto Nar Shaddaa because of the distress signal Bolt Bolten sent out. When the clones arrive, they are greeted by him and his remaining guards, who explain there is a gang issue, where a gang has taken over key areas of his sector and are preparing to overthrow him. To discuss the gang's exact locations, Bolt Bolten brings some of the higher ups to his office to discuss it, when suddenly a group of 3 Trandoshans hiding under the table pop out and attempt to assassinate him, but he's luckily saved. Anyway things continue, and clones patrol the city asking civilians if they know anything while higher ups discuss stuff with the mayor. Eventually the clones prepare to assault the gang's positions and do so successfully/unsuccessfully, from here it'd mainly be shoot em up with the republic most likely winning unless they're super incompetent, but the gang wouldn't be fully gone, the Hutt is revealed to be brother of another Hutt who attempted of a takeover of the district years earlier, and wants his revenge, and he escapes to another part of the large, large city of Nar Shaddaa, and from there Bolt Bolten can deal with it, and so the republic has a debrief and gets the hell out of there.

Place the links below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional): these are from 2018, some of the events I did back when I was gamemaster before.




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Head Admin

Congratulations, you have been accepted for an interview.

Please contact a Game Master Officer+ by the date of 2/15/2020 or be denied.

Good luck Pythin ! 
@ Jagger @ Foxey @ Craigary @Trixx

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor smiling gif"

//Moved --> Pending

Edited by Rohan

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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4 hours ago, Rohan said:

Good luck Pythin ! 



You Have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master Team!
Welcome back!

//moved to accepted

  • Funny 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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