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Pythins/Jobo/Thel's GM Re-App


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Name: Pythin

SteamID: STEAM_1:0:83180277


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: About 2100 Hours


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: I would say a solid 8


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I am very good in communication and Leadership. I have had the opportunity on many servers to lead. I was a Game Master on another server Where I had to at the end of my Game helper phase present a Debrief Speech and Also communicate throughout the whole event. So in conclusion yes

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes I Understand


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: Ooh Let me think.......Ah

The Capture of the Younglings



Count Dooku was looking for new sith assassins for him to train, and turn to the Dark Side. So, Count Dooku was escorted to a Cad Bane, where he made a deal. The Deal was for Cad Bane and a couple of his Mercenaries to sneak on a republic controlled planet, and steal younglings for him. The Reason he wanted younglings was because at that young of an age. They could be taught to the point when they reach a certain age that they can become powerful in the darkside, and would be very useful to both him and Darth Sidious. Once Cad Bane got the job. he Set out to find the planet that they would find the suitable younglings the count needs. To enter the Planet they would be under the identity of clone troopers and would sneak into the temple and Kidnap some younglings, and The would need to steal a ship and get back to the count with the younglings.

The Troops Job:

The Troops Job is to Figure out who is Cad Bane and his Accomplices before they Get the younglings and leave the ship. If they do and thye stop them, then it will turn into a part 1 event, but if the clones screw up(Which is a 50/50 chance) then Cad Bane and the others would leave with the younglings, and the Jedi would find out, and using the force find them, and try and track them down. 

Part 2:

On the Part 2. The Count will be receiving the younglings, and will sense the Jedi tapping into the younglings, and would route CIS forces to his planet. The clones will be dropped off there and it is there job to eliminate all forces (and Optional to take out 3 communication towers), then the Jedi's job will be to enter Counts Lair, and retrieve the younglings, and hold off against the count, and his acolytes to rescue those scared shitless younglings. Once they all complete there missions the count will have to retreat from the planet and pull out all CIS forces, and the Republic and the Jedi. Will have a Victory(Now if the clones did not take out the towers, then reinforcements will come to take back the planet, and the Republic will be forced to retreat, so its up to them if they wanna take the easy way, or the hard way). 


Cad Bane 

Mercenary #1

Mercenary #2

Count Dooku

Acolyte #1

Acolyte #2

Acolyte #3

Youngling #1

Youngling #2

Youngling # 3 (Optional)

Former: Liaison


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Head Admin

Congratulations, you have been accepted for an interview.

Please contact a Game Master Officer+ by the date of 2/15/2020 or be denied.

Good luck Pythin ! 
@ Jagger @ Foxey @ Craigary @Trixx

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Edited by Trixx

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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