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Jackson's 152nd Hive Mind event


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Name: Jackson

Event Name: 152nd Hive Mind event

Summary of the story: A few specialized battalions and squads were deployed to a world were the 152nd were trapped by an unknown threat, initially there were only CIS, but then infected civilians began to attack them. Upon returning to the ship once the 152nd were retrieved some of the troopers seemed to have an infection of some sort, controlled by a hive mind that layed a trap for the republic.

What was the result of the event?: The 152nd were extracted from the planet, but when being checked for infection many troopers were infected and began to bite the medics checking them, from there a huge amount of zombies started attacking the ship, eventually a cure was made and the infected were stopped, though the ominous hive mind promised the republic this was not the last they would see of them.

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up for the first mission, medical RP for the infection checkups and cure making, otherwise the rest was shoot em up on the zombies

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+1 This was a quality event. Not only was there action during the deployment to rescue the 152nd, the roleplay was there too. I was infected in the Medbay, and the rest of the infected were put in quarentine. We were taken care of by various medics in RP. I very much enjoyed this event.

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