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Mar’s resignation

Mar 0.1

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Name: Mar

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17771211

Staff Rank: SA

Were you VIP: Yes

Date: 1/2/2020

Reason for leaving: My life is going to a all time low and I have to start working 2 jobs pay for my house and my grades at school are not good my dad lost his job and he was the one who pairs for things in the house I now have to since he is getting old and can’t do as much now.

Farewells: @ Joah glad to see the server is still doing well hope it is when I get back hopefully 

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Mar everytime some would set you for health or armor and stuff like that it would set me instead.

Best of luck with all your hardships. I know you're a good worker and you'll get through it.



i am literally captain tukk

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Thank you for your service!

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