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My admin app


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RP Name: The ass disaster blaster master

Steam ID: I'm to young for an ID

Age: Old enough to Illegally murder 17 men and one chihuahua in a del taco on the east side of town

Gender: is a social construct


Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Cause everyone knows Gmod Admins get mad pussy. I want that shit my dog. My dick's been dry for so long and my balls are smurflike

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am the single most dangerous man on the planet. I once killed 2 guys with 1 bullet. No gun either, I just pushed it through their heads. They didn't even deserve it either! I was just pissed that the packers blew it again and I had to take it out on the nice old couple from the deli down the street. It was a good deli too! Luckily I was able to pin the murder on their dog petey. And petey was too old to do shit!

Do you have any previous staff experience? Of course not! Do I look like some stupid bitch who bullies innocent players on gmod? Because I am. But I don't do it as staff, I do it by tracking peoples IPs and finding out where they live so when the send birthday party invitations through the mail, I intercept them and rip them up. So when they have their birthday party, no one shows up but me and then I throw sears coupons at them. I'm a fucking dicik.

Edited by dudebro
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