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Big Brain Idea to boost RP (share your thoughts!)

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So, I feel like I just had this big brain idea that could boost rp, and is another way for directors can be a figurehead for rp.


Basically, what if people like the MCMD+ or Directors created a “weekly objective” sort of thing. With a daily schedule or something.


That is kinda broad but what if each week a new RP “storyline” across the whole server would happen in which people could interact with?


The closest example to this was when that Ryan dude streamed the server while we were on tamewater and there was this whole investigation involving the murder of max, and it instigated a whole investigation and added a whole mystery aspect to the server. It was very intriguing for everyone, since people of all groups in the server were able to collaborate with it.


With these weekly “missions” or “stories,” it can give the players a set thing to focus onto while working with RP on the server.


Then again, this is a complicated system, but I feel like it would be beneficial and bring a whole new life to the server if executed properly




Edited by silvers
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